Your amazing messages of support

Take a look at some of the incredible words of support sent to Madi
13 DEC 2024
Est Reading Time
7 min
It’s almost time for Madi to take to the court in the Longhorn’s State College Regional semi-final against Creighton!
This week, we asked fans to send Madi words of encouragement ahead of the big game. A huge thank you to all of the amazing supporters that took part and submitted messages of appreciation. Take a look below at some of the incredible words of inspiration sent through:
“Good luck, Madi! So excited to watch you this week. Enjoy playing in Rec Hall!”
“You have made such a mark on this program and should be so proud of yourself. Go out there and just ball like you always do, you have a talent like no other.”
“Hey Madi, I just wanted to say that you are an inspiration to everybody. You guys got this one game at a time on set at a time one point at a time. HOOK EM”
“Good luck Madi!! you guys can do this! let's hook 'em”
“Hi Madi!! I'm a huge fan and I love watching you play! You have overcome so much and I really look up to you. I hope you guys can beat Creighton! Good luck!”
Anjanette and Lala
“Go get 'em! We are so proud of you ! Colossians 3:17!”
“Good luck Madi, you and the longhorns are going to do amazing things to beat Creighton! I believe in you but most of all everyone believes in you!! I pray that you will ace this match. Go horns”
Rebecca (Mom)
“I love you sweetheart, have loads of fun this weekend and soak in every minute of exciting time with your teammates. I'll be praying for you, that the favor of the Lord will continue to be upon you and establish the work of your hands. Always remember, you are loved unconditionally by the Creator of the universe and you can do all things (He has called you to) through Christ, who strengthens you and stands with you on that court! Hook 'em 4 ever!!!!! I'm so proud of you, Love you bunches, M”
“Madi, you are an incredible woman and I have so much love and support for you. I believe in you and know you will excel in the tournament. You are a role model to me and my friends, and we are all rooting for you. Go get 'em!”
“Good luck Madi! You are going to absolutely crush it!! And don't forget your MFS!!! You're the best and I will be watching the game!!! You are truly a big inspiration in my life and I will pray for you!!”
“Hi Madi! This is Collins. I just wanted to say that I love your sight and can't wait to keep reading more! You are doing so well in the season and always trying your best! You are an inspiration and role model to me! Happy holidays and I can't wait to see you soon!
Always remember that God is with you
Isaiah 43:1 - Collins”
“You are awesome and an amazing athlete keep up the good work.”
“Madi, you are amazing and such an inspiration to me. I am 12 years old and want to follow in your footsteps. I don't want to be you because that's already taken! I want to be me... who looks up to you! Thank you Madi and let's take out all these teams on the way to our 3peat!! Good luck”
“Madi! It has been a blessing to see you in the burnt orange all these years! Words cannot describe how inspiring and humble you are!! I got the chance to see you at the Greg a couple times and met you after the game, your humbleness and attentiveness is pure gold! I want to wish you the best of luck! Go be Madi! Regardless of the outcome you will forever be a Texas legend!”
“Best of luck in your match on Friday!! I can't wait to be there to cheer you on! I hope to get to meet you in person!! Your biggest fan, Tenley!”
“Go out there and play the best you can! give your best effort!! REMEMBER YOU'RE MADI F____ SKINNER!!”
“Hi Madi!!!! ur gonna do amazing tomorrow. I look up to you so much. I hope u know ur worth the entire world and more, ur such a huge inspiration for everyone, we love u!!”
Dear Madisen
“Hi, I'm Eden Hunt (Edie). I am 14 years old and a freshman high school volleyball player. I have been a fan of yours for some time, and I don't just love the volleyball part about you,, as a follower of Jesus, I love that you stand for your faith.
It is a dream of mine to attend UT, and I was excited to go to watch the Longhorns beat the Cougars in Houston last year. I also was fortunate enough to be able to go to the dramatic comeback game against ole miss in Austin. I was disappointed I didn't get to see you play, but I can't imagine how disappointed you were to miss your senior day game.
I live in Port Neches Texas, (about 2 hours away from Houston). I found my love for volleyball in 6th grade when I started playing at a very small private school.
I recently moved to PNG high school and tried out for the volleyball team. I had no idea what to expect because I had never played public school volleyball before, so I was very nervous. I was a setter but recently became a hitter and fell in love with the position.
Next year my goal is to be on the varsity team, but there are 11 seniors that will definitely be on the team. So I have been getting up at 4:45 every morning to go to the gym.
I haven't been that confident about next year, but hearing your story has encouraged me so much, and I may not be a 6'2 D1 athlete that can make it to college, but learning about your story has helped me gain confidence in my volleyball journey. Thank you
Love, Edie
Hook 'em!”
“Hey Madisen,
I'm a volleyball player from Belgium and you are very popular here, so I wanted to let you know that we support you from Belgium. Hookem!”
“Praying for you as prepare to play Creighton tomorrow! I am praying for supernatural wisdom, power, and strength wish only comes from our Savior! Praying you SHINE Jesus in all you do! May HIS will be done in your life! Cheering for you and your team! Go Horns!”
“Madi as you continue on your path towards greatness just want to send you well wishes and prayers for more blessings to come. Play with a full heart, passion, and as always with that Texas Fight. Lead like you always do. Know that your family and fans love all that you do and support you 100%. Never forget you're MFS!!! Hook Em”
“I'm so proud of you Madi!!!! You have come so far and inspired me personally not only as a volleyball player, but also as a person in general! I love all your content from watching your digs and hits to watching your day in the life's and hearing your story!!! I'm praying for you and your amazing teammates for a successful and safe trip! No matter what happens in the game against Creighton, it does not change how much you mean to me and to the Lord!!!”
“The whole world believes in MFS! I believe in MFS!! Young girls from all over believe in you whole heartedly Madi <3 No matter the outcome, everyone is proud of you for fighting battles with all your might. Thank you for being you. -Nat's rooting for Madi's Natty!!”
“Good luck tomorrow Madi!!!! I'm praying so so hard for you and your team tomorrow!! Success comes from putting all your trust in the Lord, so remember if you're struggling, you have an amazing God who will get you through it all!! You got this girl!!! YOU'RE MADISEN FRICKEN SKINNER!!!!”
“Hi Madi,
Tomorrow is just a step closer to your 4 time national championship, and not everyone can say that. Why? Because you are Madisen F***ing Skinner, reading your interview was so inspiring and seeing how volleyball is a mental game is not spoken often, especially when things maybe aren't going your way. But just know I hope you believe in yourself like how thousands of fans and little girls around the world believe in you. No matter what I'm so honored to have tuned in to every match and even see you in person and it has been a dream come true. Texas volleyball has made me fall in love with the sport and you will leave it better than you found it. I'm so proud of you and wherever you go, you'll always have a fan in me. Good luck and I wish you all the health and success so you can be ready for Creighton. HOOK EM”
“Hi Madi!! I love watching you so much. I wish you the best in your next game! I can't wait to see where you end up in life! I know God has great plans for you”
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